Case Study

Cartoon Network PR Website

Challenge: Over five years, we created about 30 PR websites for Cartoon Network programming using the Flash development platform. Near the end of that period, it was well beyond its usefulness for designing and developing websites. After Apple announced it would stop supporting Flash for its Safari browser on desktop, we needed to convince senior decision-makers to shift to a more modern web development language.

Outcome: We finally convinced senior decision-makers to pull the plug on Flash as their PR website platform and move to HTML5. I designed a custom-coded responsive website theme that could be quickly modified with little HTML coding knowledge. Along with the website design, I created cheat sheets and tutorials for Cartoon Network's in-house creative and marketing departments to make content edits easily.

Role: Visual Designer, UI/UX Designer, Front-End Developer, Client Training & Tutorials

The End of Flash

It might be challenging to realize how ubiquitous the Adobe Flash Player used to be. It was the default way to play YouTube videos until 2015, plus thousands of online games were built in Flash. Even some websites used it to provide their complete user interface.

In 2010, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs openly attacked this browser plug-in, recommending HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript instead. Apple never supported Flash on iPhones or iPads and stopped pre-installing Flash on Macs in 2010.

Others heaped criticism on this software, too, especially security experts. They said Adobe could not find all the bugs in this plugin and recommended no one install it.

Out with the Old

Due to a combination of Cartoon Network's hosting server requirements and the limitations of early iterations of HTML and CSS, Flash was used to develop all of their PR websites. The platform provided a way to build an interactive website with password security, animation, sound, videos, and downloads, all packaged in a self-contained single file.

We worked for five years developing over 30 PR sites in Flash for Cartoon Network. Finally, when Apple stopped supporting the Flash Player, we convinced key decision-makers to update to HTML5 for more comprehensive browser and device support.
Role: Design & Development (Adobe Flash)

In with the New

The new site developed using HTML served to bridge the two years until it would make a universal Turner Broadcasting PR website content management system available to all networks.

Visit Demo Site
Role: Design & Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
More Cartoon Network projects

Dragons, Talking Dogs, and Influences

From influencer campaigns to specialty DVD packaging, for over ten years, I worked with the in-house creative team at Cartoon Network to build the brand. Below: "How to Train Your Dragon" influencer campaign and media website, "Adventure Time" Walmart specialty DVD package, "Summer Camp Island" animated HTML email influencer campaign, Cartoon Network brand vision book.