Social Media, Digital Marketing, Email, User Generated Content, and Customer Engagement

I have been involved in developing creative content for various digital platforms such as social media, email, user-generated content, and customer engagement for more than 10 years I have created content for numerous campaigns, including ads, games, and videos. Many of the social media campaigns are extensions of projects where I have also designed the branding, websites, events, products, and packaging.

Skills: Strategy, Design, Copywriting, Illustration, Animation, Games

I have developed several social media and digital advertising campaigns for Boomerang featuring beloved characters like Scooby-Doo

For the creative, I wrote the copy, created animated backgrounds, and used the network style guide to develop the visuals.

Between 2016 and 2020, I was responsible for designing Adult Swim's digital materials for San Diego Comic-Con. This included designing online advertising, developing a website that could also be downloaded as an HTML app, and creating emails to keep attendees up to date on the event schedule.

In order to promote the event, I took the responsibility of designing and coding HTML emails. Additionally, I created a template system for social media and email, which allowed the onsite staff to make quick updates in case there were any changes in the schedule.

I have developed digital creative for many of Cartoon Network's top programs.

The digital creative includes conventional social media and advertising, plus digital icons for streaming, digital outdoor boards, advanced HTML email.
Additionally, I have created on-screen DVD menus and DVD packaging for various shows, as well as online ads and social media content to promote the DVDs.

My favorite holiday is Halloween so I created an online bracket where visitors could vote on their favorite monster each week in October.

I worked with an amazing illustrator to do most of the monster illustrations which I then colored. I also created a few extra monsters myself, like the zombie used in the marketing campaign.
In order to promote the game, I utilized email to invite friends and clients, while also utilizing Facebook and Instagram to make it accessible to a wider audience.

I was approached by Mailchimp to design and create an HTML email campaign to promote their annual Spotlight Event, which showcases their new services and products.

Using their design system, I developed a clean modern automated email that was sent to their mailing list to announce the event and keep customers up-to-date when they sign up.

Since 2015, I have collaborated with Camp Flix to create their print and digital materials, such as updated branding, a new website, as well as their social media and digital marketing materials.

At Camp Flix, the main objective for social media and email marketing is to boost attendance beyond word-of-mouth referrals. To achieve this, we've created campaigns that generate excitement and incorporate fun holidays to distinguish ourselves from the constant influx of emails consumers receive.

Remember the Viewmaster toy that shows 3D photos? I did, and used it as a unique way to share my portfolio with potential clients. (Yes, my photos in are 3D.)

I sent a series of custom-coded HTML emails with a vintage look to both prospects and clients. Initially, an email was sent to them, inviting them to sign up to receive their own Viewmaster. Afterwards, they received follow-up emails, informing them about new Viewmaster reels as they were released.

To demonstrate my capabilities as a full-stack creative and show off my matchbook collection, I created an end-to end project highlighting how gamification leads to higher customer engagement.

The project included a custom made game in custom packaging, an online version of the game, social media and direct mail. Additionally, there is a landing page that showcasing six compelling statistics regarding the effectiveness of gamification in marketing.
Click here to play the game

For a twist on the NCAA March Madness I worked with Boomerang to create an online bracket where visitors can vote for their favorite cartoon character.

I developed a sports-style graphic theme with lots of brushed steel frames and lens flares. I created all of the illustrations for it except the cartoon characters.

It's amazing how unrelated things can come together in unexpected ways. For instance, because of my interest in sculpting dinosaurs, I discovered that it's possible to create custom molds for making food-grade silicone chocolates.

I spelled out the word "LOVE" using wood block type that I had collected over the years, and then used the letters to create molds. Next, I had a local organic chocolatier named Jardi Chocolates cast the molds using gourmet chocolate and decorate them with edible gold leaf. 
Because the chocolates could melt during shipping, recipients were informed of their overnight delivery the day before via a fun, animated email.